On January 28th, our Entre Amigos Youth Ambassador, Alexander Hernandez-Rivera, went to Washington D.C. for a week to attend the 33rd Annual National Leadership Conference, hosted by the CADCA Forum, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. He, along with a team of local partners, were able to attend various workshops throughout the week, meet with congressman Kevin Kiley from California's 3rd Congressional District, and gain knowledge to bring back to our youth and families on drug prevention.
Alex has been with our Entre Amigos program since the beginning and has since grown into a promising leader in our community. Although he originally did not want to join Entre Amigos, he has grown to love the program, created new friendships, and enjoys the leadership responsibilities he has taken on.
We are so grateful to Shelley Rogers from CALY (Coalition for Auburn and Lincoln Youth) and Christina Ivazes from Placer County Health & Human Services who recognized Alex's contributions locally and provided the funding for this incredible opportunity. We are so excited for other projects Alex will be a part of!